All Fields Are Required
Player's First Name
Player's Grade
Player's Shirt Size Youth SmYouth MedYouth LrgYouth XLAdult SmAdult MedAdult LrgAdult XL
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Address
Parent/Guardian Email
Parent/Guardian Cell #
Relationship to Player MotherFatherLegal Guardian
Alternate Emergency Contact #
Liability Waiver:
I understand that the user of exercise equipment and facilities at Starting5 may subject me to certain physical and medical risks that I agree to assume. I declare myself to be physically sound and suffering no physical impairment, condition or illness that would prevent my safe participation in any exercise program at Net Sports. I further understand that the facility assumes no responsibility for my personal safety and I hereby release the facility, its officers, directors, agents, and employees from any and all liability which may arise directly or indirectly from any damage to me or my property as a result of my participation in exercise and/or use of the facilities at Starting5
I agree to the above waiver
“Type your name” here if you agree with the above statement.